November 21, 2015

Couldn't Drag Me Away

Love / H-11 by Roberto Dutesco

It's been a very long time since I've last written, but as I was sitting at the computer I just felt the need to share this amazing video I came upon a few months back. The film is called "Chasing Wild Horses" and it documents the journey of New York City's top fashion photographer, Roberto Dutesco, whose search for true beauty leads him to Sable Island. Here he becomes obsessed with the untouched beauty and isolation of the wild horses that inhibit the island. Carve out 50 minuets of your day to watch this incredible piece.

Chasing Wild Horses from Roberto on Vimeo.

I've always been one to appreciate art, but I don't think I ever understood what it meant to be moved by art  until I saw these photographs. And I haven't even had the pleasure of seeing them in person yet!

You can view his work as The Wild Horses of Sable Island Gallery, on of the longest running photography exhibits in New York City, at 64 Grand Street. Maybe I'll see you there.

Click here to view some of my favorites...