July 22, 2014

Lazy Sundays Lead to Anis Mojgani

There really is nothing like a lazy Sunday. Rolling out of bed around eleven to drink coffee and read the Sunday Times for a few hours. Birds are singing, there's a warm breeze, and if you sit in the shade your body cools to an almost perfect temperature. The most amazing thing about a lazy Sunday is when you find the time to follow the inspiration trail.
As I scrolled through Instagram, I stopped on a beautiful picture by Shelby Robinson (@shelbzrobinson), a Midwest creative, who's account I just recently discovered. She has one of those accounts where after seeing the first three pictures you immediately follow because you can't wait to see what she'll post next. Well, she delivered.

Underneath this delicate picture, she quoted Anis Mojgani, a spoken word poet.

"I want my words and actions to be the quantification of my love. To make tangible the passions in my heart for the world and the people in it."

Reading his words were one thing. Now, listening, that's a whole other experience. My attention was instantly caught as I sat up to hear his words. I hope it does the same for you.

To learn more about Anis Mojgani, check out his website, thepianofarm.com. I cannot wait to dive deeper into his art. 

July 16, 2014

Mr. Plant

Robert Plant has a new song. It's called Rainbow. I dig.

It seems like a good film or television show song. I'll be on the lookout.

July 2, 2014

Artist Statement: Christian Sottile

In my attempts to organize my belongings last night I decided to go through a few piles building up on my desk. Not surprisingly, as I have a bit of an obsession, I ended up uncovering 5 different notebooks. Each one filled with pages of to do lists, quotes, business plans, sketches, inspirations, logo ideas - basically any thought that flowed through my head. It's really important to me to have a physical thing that I can hold on to rather then just a blog or word document. I find that it helps when I take the time to sit down, pick up a pencil and consciously think about that words I'm putting to paper. Unfortunately, when I come across an old notebook, all previous tasks are quickly forgotten as I sit down exactly where I am and become absorbed in my past thoughts.

Last night I stopped on a particular page where I scribbled the artist statement of Christian Sottile, principal in the internationally recognized urban design firm, Sottile & Sottile and dean of the School of Building Arts at Savannah College of Art and Design. It is so simple, yet so powerful that every time my finger traces the words I'm instantly inspired and motivated to create. I hope it does the same for you.

"Make it so beautiful is breaks their hearts; fills their minds with wonder and awakens their souls to awe."

Christian Sottile